Monday, 23 February 2009

Bad News...

Thanks to this wonderful recession, I've been unable to find work. As a result, I have to move back into my parents, and my girlfriend has to move back up country to stay with hers. At the moment, she is my priority, and as such, I'm going to have a lot less time to work on this so I can spend more time talking to her on the phone and such. Don't worry, I will still be working on this card game, it'll just be going at a slower pace. Keep watching this space, there will be updates.


jack bliss said...

Aww man, that sucks. Volunteer play tester right here, btw. Also, you probably want to take a look at how crits are gonna work, i.e., try and give them the same probability as in the actual game. You could say that if you hit on a 6, roll again. If its another 6, you crit and you can add 50 to your damage, then the next turn if you roll a 6 again, you crit on a 5+, then a 4+, then a 3+, then a 2+. You'd probably want to stop there though, criting on a 6 every time is lame, there has to be a second roll. If at any point you fail to make a crit, your counter is reset and you have to get two 6s again. Whaddaya think?

Electric Gamester said...

i think that it it great that you are doing this anyway, i am going to mention you on my podcast