Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Community Info Needed!

Okay, I'm currently working on rough drafts of the class specific cards, these being cards that can only be used by specific classes. For example:

Get Behind Me Doctor: Bring into play the next time your medic takes damage. Your heavy takes that damage instead. Discard Get Behind Me Doctor.

I'd like to know any tricks or stratagies you have! Don't worry about providing any abilities it might provide in the card game, just give it a name and describe what it is. Again, an example.

Double Jump - Scouts can jump twice to avoid things like rockets.

I have a good...ooh, 200 or so cards to fill with stuff like this, so I'll take as many suggestions as I can get. Doesn't matter how simple or complicated it is, I'll try and find a use for it in game.


There are two card types I'm considering adding to the game. The first are personality cards. These will either be fictional names, or well known names in the TF2 community. Basically, they will be cards that give permanent bonuses to each players 4 character slots.

The second are what I like to call '4th Wall' cards. Basically, these would represent out of game factors that might affect things in a regular TF2 game. Examples might be a lag card or a 'sexy girlfriend/boyfriend walking past' card.

What do you guys think? Should these two card types be in the game? While it would add an extra level to the way you play the game, it definetely breaks the fourth wall. I'd like to know your thoughts :)

PS. I know I said updates would be on Sundays. Well...this isn't an update. It's a 'help meeee' post. They're allowed :P

PPS. I probably should point out that the initial set of cards are based around the idea that there have been no class packs yet. As such, any strategies you guys might post should reflect that. So no critzkriegs, no airblasts from flamethrowers. You may wonder I've made this decision. You'll find out on Sunday.


Karsaroth said...

Just a few off the top of my head (and feel free to use different names):
Sticky Trap - Laying all your stickies out on a point/doorway as a demo (perhaps a different version of this is hiding them on the roof).
Climbing Engie - Using your equipment to get to otherwise unreachable places
Tele-stab - Spy hides behind a teleporter and back-stabs everyone coming out of it.
Unlimited Ammo - Standing by a dispenser as a heavy/pyro and firing constantly.

Hope those help - this sounds like a cool idea.

Erik said...

Just happened across this page as a result of the Control Point podcast (

I love the idea of the TF2 card game. However, I don't like the idea of breaking the fourth wall. Not only does it complicate the card game (simple is good for starters), but it also reminds the card player that it's a computer game. I'd keep everything in-character.


Blasphemist said...

I have a couple of ideas.
Uber Prep - A friendly medic has his uber charged and ready!
Deploy Uber - A friendly medic uses his uber! (invulin. last 3 turns. If medic has not already buffered uber with any other beneficial cards take 1 turn to charge)
Kritzkreiger - A friendly medic kritzkrigez a teamates dealing 50 (or more/less) extra damage per turn (Note: Kritzkriegz don't have to be charged)

I love the idea, and a shout out to Control Point who told me about this. Hope these help.

Unknown said...

I support the idea of 4th wall cards.