Wednesday, 4 February 2009

The Unnoficial TF2 Card Game...take two.

Okay, so it's been a while since I did any work on this (for reasons I shall no longer go on about) but I see that as a good thing. It let me look at my old ideas with fresh eyes, always good.

A quick update. I've got the basic rules down now...I think. And soon, I shall share the gist of them with you. "Why not now? Whyyyyyyy?" I hear you cry? I figure a set update day would encourage me to update on a regular basis. And that update day will be...(Play drum-roll mp3 here, or make drum-rolly sounds with your hands on your desk)...

Sundays! Woooo! Could be Sunday morning, could be evening. Depends on when I'm on. Soooo...Check back then for 'Team Fortress Card Game 101'!

1 comment:

Tucker said...

This looks awesome! I can't wait.